1st November – ALL SAINTS’ DAY! Towards #Synod2018 together with young witnesses
On 1st November the Catholic Church celebrate All Saints’ Day! It is the best day to stop and pray with them and remember the numberless men and women of Catholic Action who have given total witness of love following Jesus, entrusting us a Catholic Action school of sanctity as challenge also for today
They are our most authentic identity card as Catholic Action!
This year we are going on the way to the Synod, we want to thank the Lord for the many CA young witnesses, our companions on the road. They are venerated in many local Churches and they are known in all the Church.
We trust in their intercession for the coming months in which we will work in our dioceses, in our groups, in our realities with all young people on the themes of the Synod, In particular to encourage moments of listening and meeting beween young people and their bishops and with the bishops who will participate the Synod.
As a concrete way to celebrate All Saints’ Day we encourage you to change on 1st November your profile picture on social networks with the image of your favorite Catholic Action witness.
In the list you find youth from different countries, youth that made choices of life in CA. The list starts with the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati who was always with us, especially after his beatification in 1990
If you want to know more about Catholic Action saint, blessed witnesses in different countries and to find among them your travel companion, we invite you visit our website www.fondazionesantiac.org
Let’s celebrate together all Saints’ Day!
proposto come esempio per i giovani
da San Giovanni Paolo II fino a Papa Francesco
(dall’alto in basso)
Nome cognome | Paese | Vocazione | |
B | Alois GROZDE | SLOVENIA | Studente ucciso a causa dell’odio |
B | Teresio OLIVELLI Beatiificazione 3.2.2018 | ITALIA | Laureato, martire, ucciso in odio alla fede nel campo di concentramento |
B | Pina SURIANO | ITALIA | Giovane in parrocchia |
V | M. Felicia Guggiari CHIQUITUNGA | PARAGUAY | Monaca carmelitana |
B | Francisco CASTELLO i ALEU | SPAGNA | Chimico, Fidanzato martire |
B | Antonia MESINA | ITALIA | Uccisa per la purezza |
B | Pere TARRES i CLARET | SPAGNA | Giovane di AC poi sacerdote assistente |
B | Vladimir GHIKA | ROMANIA | Filosofo teologo di rito bizantino poi sacerdote assistente |
B | Pierina MOROSINI | ITALIA | Uccisa per la purezza |
B | Alberto MARVELLI | ITALIA | Giovane laico ingegnere impegnato nel sociale |
B | Marcel CALLO | FRANCIA | Operaio, fidanzato morto in Campo di concentramento |
B | Ivan MERZ | CROAZIA | Giovane molto studioso, fonda Le aquile con i principi dell’AC |
SdD | Maria de la luz CAMACHO | MESSICO | Giovane Martire |
B | Josef MAYER NUSSER | ITALIA | impiegato cassiere, sposato con un figlio morto in campo di concentramento |
B | Anacleto GONZALEZ FLORES | MESSICO | Insegnante sposato Martire della nonviolenza |
B | Maria SAGHEDDU M.Gabriella dell’Unità | ITALIA | Monaca trappista ha offerto la vita per l’unità dei cristiani |
B | Francesco BONIFACIO | ITALIA | Sacerdote martire assistente giovani |
SdD | Martiri della fraternità | BURUNDI | Seminaristi uccisi |
V = Venerabile B = Beato SdD = Servo di Dio