Book: The World of New Generations According to the Online Questionnaire
The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops makes available the publication: The World of New...

Angelus prayer. Sunday 28th October 2018
ANGELUS Saint Peter's Square Sunday, 28 October 2018 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning! But it does not...

Address by Pope Francis at the opening of the Synod of Bishops

Pope Francis Homily during the Mass for the closing of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

Pope Francis’ words at the end of the Synod
The following are the Holy Father Francis’s extemporaneous remarks pronounced at the end of the 22nd and...

Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People
Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People We, the Synod Fathers now address you, young people of the world, with a...

Reports from the Small Group Discussions on the III Part of the "Instrumentum laboris"
Here we present the reports from the Small Group Discussions on the III Part of the "Instrumentum laboris" in...

Reports from the Small Group Discussions on the II Part of the "Instrumentum laboris"
Here we present the reports from the Small Group Discussions on the II Part of the "Instrumentum laboris" in...

Homily of Pope Francis during the opening mass of the Synod of Bishops
“The Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to...

Press Conference for the presentation of the Instrumentum laboris. Intervention by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri
19.06.2018 I cordially greet all of you attending this Press Conference. I would like to help each and...

Frequently Asked Questions On The Synod of Bishops
Frequently Asked Questions On The Synod What is the Synod of Bishops? The Synod of Bishops was created...

Presented the ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ of the Synod of Bishops on young people
The ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ of the Synod of Bishops on young people scheduled for later this year, was released at a...

#Synod2018 A special series of videos to binge-watch.
Sponsored by the Synod of Bishops, Aleteia and TeleMATER partnered to make it happen! “What makes you happy?” “What is...

Fourth Meeting of 14th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops Concludes
The fourth meeting of the 14th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, chaired by the Holy...

Pope’s Sincere Smile
March 19, 2018 is a day that will never be forgotten in the course of my life. Who would have thought me, Muslim...

Asia – stay youthful and be inspired
Asia, the biggest continent of the world, is well-known as the place where many wonderful stories and incredible...

Current situations affecting the lives of young people in Africa and their expectations
Current situations affecting the lives of young people in Africa and their expectations By Tendai Karombo (National...

“God believes in young people and entrusts them with responsibilities without hesitation”
A conversation with Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops Eminence, how will...

How can young people contribute to improving society?
Question for March: How can young people contribute to improving society? Toward the #Synod2018 ...

Nick López. Presentation on the Youth in the Americas
I. Buenos Días, Santo Padre, Obispos, Hermanos (y Hermanas), agradezco la oportunidad de hablarles esta mañana....

Summary of the small groups at the Pre-Synodal Meeting
We are publishing the 20 summaries from all the linguistic groups (gathered into 4 files, one for each language) and...

Final Document from the Pre-Synodal Meeting
Angela Markas (Australian Delegate) Address to the Pre-Synod Gathering of Young People
Address to the Pre-Synod Gathering of Young People 19th-23rd March, 2018 My name is Angela Markas and I...

What could politics and society do for young people?
Toward the #Synod2018 Dear friends, The General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, wants to intensify its...

Card. Parolin: 2018 year of youth and family for Pope Francis
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, speaks to Vatican News about Pope Francis’ upcoming...

Pope Francis refers to the Synod on youth during the CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO THE ROMAN CURIA
[Fragment] Here allow me, at this particular moment of the Church’s life, to draw our attention to the...

Cardinal Baldisseri talks about the pre-synodal meeting of young people next march
Aleteia has made an interview with Cardinal Baldisseri to talk about the Synod of Bishops and the pre-synodal meeting...

Communiqué: Third Meeting of the 14th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
On 16 and 17 November 2017 the Third Meeting of the 14th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of...

Appointments and dates for the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
The Holy Father has appointed His Eminence Cardinal Sérgio Da Rocha, archbishop of Brasilia and president of the...

France. “Young Catholics a minority but not giving up”
France too prepared a summary of the answers to the questionnaire that was sent to young people in the run-up to the...

Congress on Vocational Ministry. December 1st to 3rd 2017
In anticipation of and in preparation for the Synod of Bishops to be held in 2018 on the topic “Young...

French Bishops’ plenary meeting. “Need to reform seminaries”, protecting the Roma, Synod for Youth
In Lourdes, today, the allegation of “disrespect” for the Roma populations, “dragged from pillar to post”, and a call...

The Indonesian youth, ready to announce the Gospel and the "extraordinary missionary month"
Yogyakarta. - "As the Gospel reminds us, we must be ready to be missionaries of the Good News of Jesus with...

Netherlands. Bishops Conference’s report on young people’s condition. “A minority faith”
A “Report on the situation of young Dutch people and developments in the area of Catholic religion in the Netherlands”...

Basic Information about the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops on Young People
Pope Francis has dedicated the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be focused on the theme of...

1st November – ALL SAINTS’ DAY! towards 2018 Synod together with young witnesses
On 1st November the Catholic Church celebrate All Saints’ Day! It is the best day to stop and pray with them and...

The first Genfest on the Asian continent
A great opportunity for encounter among young people and cultures. 44 years after the first edition, this will be the...

Pakistan. Young people in view of the Synod, the Bishops: "Be Modern prophets"
Karachi.- "Be modern prophets, taking the proclamation of the Gospel seriously, to all those young people who are...

Pope announces pre-synod meeting to listen to youths' hopes, doubts
Pope Francis has invited Christian and non-Christian young people from around the world to a meeting in preparation for...
Presentation of the Preparatory Document
This morning in the Holy See Press Office a conference was held to present the Preparatory Document for the 15th...

Pre-synodal meeting with young people from across the world from 19 to 24 March 2018
“I would like to announce that, from 19 to 24 March 2018, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops will convene...

Seminar of Training of Educators
The Education Committee of the Unions of General Men and Women Superiors announces the upcoming celebration of its...